The land of the dead

1 min readJun 14, 2024


Picture gotten from google —

The land of the dead
Or is it the land of the living?
Where we have been taught
from generations to generations
That she is the land of opportunity
She can give us what we want
It’s not farfetched in her land”

Those words exact to the ears, echoing in the deadened silence
All to be forgotten in the world-weary wind
Hence I wonder,
Was it all an illusion
Or a delusion
Were we told fairytales
To hold us captive
Because to them
We are the dumb,
the desperate,
the fearless,

the ones who have been told you have the most unique talents
Saying to us ‘run’
but later on ‘You run too fast, you’re out of time’
Was it crass to believe?
Fortunate to live on borrowed time
unfortunate to believe the illusion
Dare to say,
How long, until we are dead
in the land of the living,
or is it the land of the dead?

- written by Tosin ❤




I see writing as a way to the inner mind. I do mostly poems, short stories and a little bit of lifestyle stories here and there too.